Dear Readers,

I now consider this blog to be my Juvenelia. Have fun perusing the archives, and find me at my new haunt, here.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome to new readers

So I've noticed a small but not insignificant uptick in visits, RSS subscribers, followers, tweet-buddies and whatnot in the past couple of weeks. This always happens during Masterpiece Season, but I just wanted to say "you are most welcome" and I hope you'll stay around :) Also, I encourage people to subscribe to comments, in case they want to join one of our sporadic but very high-energy discussions.

Today is a big day--blog for choice day and I'm working on my WH review, so you'll hear more from me later.



  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hello and thank you for these welcoming words! I'm one of the new RSS subscribers you mentioned, and found my way here via a link to your "Lizzy's Smackdowns" poll. Sadly, I haven't yet had time to go through your archives, but I thoroughly enjoyed your recent post about "Little Dorrit". I'll be back soon!

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Hello! I'm one of the new readers too, and as Deleilan I've discovered your blog because of "Lizzy's Smackdowns" poll. I just wanted to say that your blog is really nice, and that I'll try to make all my friends here in Brazil learn about it existence!

  3. Deleilan and Luciana, so great to have you here. Thanks for saying hi!
