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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quick Link: Shakespeare for Your Daily Life

Egalitarian Bookworm and friend of friends Liz Goodwin has a hilarious piece up at the Daily Beast discussing a new book of handy Shakespeare quotations for all the bard-quoting needs of groundlings and balcony-occupiers alike. Here's Liz:

Jerry Seinfeld once said that more people would rather be in a casket than giving the eulogy at a funeral. If you fall into the casket category in this scenario, then Barry Edelstein’s instructional book Bardisms: Shakespeare for All Occasions is not for you. ...

The collection of ready-to-use quotations is tailored to fit every occasion, from birthdays to weddings to funerals, and contains detailed instructions about when and exactly how to speak the Bard’s words. Edelstein directs from beyond the page and assumes that his reader—like any good thespian—will jump at the chance to tap a Champagne glass gently with a fork, clear his throat, and begin quoting The Tempest at a crowded wedding.

Check the whole thing out!


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