Extra! Extra! Read all about it.
I for one, am very pleased with the results, even the controversial choice for Mr. Knightley. I think this may be the Emma we deserve.
[Based on the comments thread at Austenblog, I may be one of the only people who admires certain aspects of Rozema's Mansfield Park film. I wrote my junior paper on it, after all. I don't think its stars can be faulted for the fact that the Edmund-Fanny relationship is made of fail, nor can Rozema be faulted for playing around with the source to put it onscreen--MP is in my opinion, all but un-adaptable as is, because the novel's pleasure is in its narration rather than its characters.]
I think we're going to need an "Emma" label for this blog soon but for now we'll just stick with the lolgwyneth.
(I Thought I Was Jo: Little Women and “And Then We Grew...
(I Thought I Was Jo: Little Women and “And Then We Grew Up” | Lilith
4 years ago
Yes, yes, and yes, regarding Rozema's MP. I never understood all the vitriol directed at that movie, but I admit, I'm not too attached to the original work itself.