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Monday, April 20, 2009

New Poll: Which minor-character catchphrase in "Little Dorrit" is your favorite?

Ten days to answer, at the top of the page.

Are there any missing that are so obvious I'm, to quote Edmund Sparkler, not quite up to the mark in the subject? Let me know in comments.

Which minor-character catchphrase in "Little Dorrit" is your favorite?

She is a damn fine woman with no b'God nonsense about her! -- Edmund Sparkler
0 (0%)
Affery, woman, you shall have such a dose--Flintwich
0 (0%)
Altro! Altro!-Cavaletto
0 (0%)
Pancks's emphatic snorting
0 (0%)
In the dear departed days now long forgotten--Flora
0 (0%)
Five-and-twenty, Tatty, five-and-twenty--Meagles
0 (0%)
Anything uttered by Mr. F's Aunt when she is in high spirits
0 (o%)


  1. What about John Chivery?
    I can't help it I love the obliviousness of Edmund Sparkler.

  2. I have to pick Flora simply out of solidarity - I fear/know she is who I am destined to be someday, sighing over British men who find me ridiculous.

  3. Melissa8:03 AM

    I was torn between Pancks and Flora... LOVE Pancks, but Flora is a girl after my own heart- who could resist trying to remind Arthur (ie Matthew Macfadyen) that he might love her????

  4. Pancks was great! That thing he did with sucking down that jello (or whatever it was) in the dessert glass was hilarious. Especially the look Matthew gave him when he did it.

    I rather liked Sparkler too but Pancks has my vote!
