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Sunday, April 19, 2009

#LittleDorrit: Share your Little Dorrit thoughts on Twitter

And speaking of literary tweets... So tonight is installment 4 of 5. People are actually using the #littledorrit hashtag as evidenced above to discuss important issues like whether Amy is a Mary-Sue, how obnoxious Mr. Dorrit is getting, whether Chivery or Clenham is the most eligible lovah and most importantly HOW ON EARTH we shall pass the time between installments. My heavens!

Please join the discussion here by using this hashtag #littledorrit or just tweeting your thoughts about the show.

And as always, feel free to drop your burning comments or questions about Clenham and Doyce and the Dorrits below (in our new spanking comments form!)


  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Thanks for the info on all things Dorrit on Twit. All things Matthew here:

    http: // www. topix. net/ forum/ who/ matthew-macfadyen
    (spaces added)!

  2. Deleilan9:43 AM

    Hashtags are such a great invention — thank you for starting this one.

    I'm probably very dense, but who had those handbills of Blandois printed?
