Dear Readers,

I now consider this blog to be my Juvenelia. Have fun perusing the archives, and find me at my new haunt, here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I Got Nothin'

I'm spending the day getting ready to go to the Women, Action and the Media (yes, WAM!) conference, so I'm going to be MIA---UNLESS I get a spark of inspiration on the Bolt Bus (which I often do) and the internet therein is actually functional, which it rarely is.
Otherwise, I may spend some of the conference blogging. Depends on how boring it is and how cyncial I feel;) (I expect it to not be, and me to not be, of course)

Have a great Friday, folks!

1 comment:

  1. The conference's topic doesn't look boring, so I imagine you will be having a good time - see you when you get back -
