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Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday De-Lurk: What books are you reading?

It's going to be a crappy Friday afternoon for me: errands that can't be put off even though I need to be getting ahead on work. Oh well, such is the nature of Fridays. They cannot finish soon enough. So help make it go quicker by chatting about our fave topic eva: bookz!

I finished the wonderful On Writing, which is sadly going to be my last pleasure book for a bit. I have three book reviews lined up, with a fourth probably on its way in the mail. They're all pretty interesting--two are on feminist topics, one is a scandalous foreign novel recently released in English, and one is unknown--but they do keep a gal busy.

What about you guys? What books are you going to curl up with this weekend? I can't wait to hear how erudite my readers are ;)


  1. This weekend I'll be reading graphic novels 1) Ronin by Frank Miller, then 2) French Milk.

  2. James Overton, Making a World of Difference: Essays on Tourism, Culture and Development in Newfoundland and Michael Dawson, Selling British Columbia: Tourism and Consumer Culture, 1890-1970.

    Oh yeah.

    What I want to be reading? Georgette Heyer's Black Sheep.

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    A Jury of her Peers: American Women Writers from Anne Bradstreet to Annie Proulx. By Elaine Showalter. So far it's been surprisingly yummy.

  4. I am reading Jamie Ford's The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, which I won(!) over at Stone Soup.

  5. I'm probably not reading much this weekend, spring cleaning time here.

    But I might find time to read Tom Sawyer Abroad or Master of Ballantrae. And I have my homework in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism.

  6. I really need to do Spring cleaning, Angelia. This seems to be the time for it--my apartment has gone from bohemian-messy to pig sty since new years.

    Catherine, so jealous that you're diving into Showalter. Can't wait to have time to explore it.

  7. Anonymous12:01 AM

    one is a scandalous foreign novel recently released in English

    Sounds intriguing!

    Unfortunately, this weekend I need to read a lot of Kant's Critique of Judgment. It will not be fun.

    BUT I am in the midst of Bleak House. I'm re-reading it for a class I'm taking - it's even better the second time. I love everything, to the point where I can't actually be very academic about the novel at all. I need to write a paper soon so I better shape up.

    Also bought an anthology of Chinese erotic poetry and I've been flipping through it.

  8. i'm bouncing between a non fic (Nudge - Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness), total fluff (Dead Until Dark), and another novel (Sunlight in a Beautiful Garden).

  9. I have three books in progress at the moment. Two to read and one audiobook. "Comedy at the Edge: How Stand-up in the 1970s Changed America" is the book that puts me to sleep each night and Steve Harvey's "Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man" is what I flip through for fun. "The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen" by Jacques Pepin is the audiobook I listen to on my commute.

  10. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I just finished Slaughterhouse-Five, am in the middle of The Picture of Dorian Grey, and then will read and review Pemberley Manor for Austenblog. I'm also slowly reading the fourth book in Collen Gleason's Gardella vampire series - it's my guilty pleasure "bathtub read."
