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Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day

Workers of the world unite!

Like last year, I'm going to celebrate May Day by posting my own (in this case, very poor) amateur Spring photography.

The flowering of trees is probably, for me, the most hopeful thing that happens all year. When they come back and surprise us with a kind of color and texture and light that we had forgotten about all winter, it's both suprising and comforting. Our hearts leap up, to paraphrase Wordsworth, and we believe good things are possible. May Day is actually a mega-pagan holiday as well, and back in Cambridge, my roommates and I used to watch the local pagans do morris dances and swing their wreaths around the maypole early in the morning. It was kind of awesome.

The pagan stuff and union stuff are not that unrelated, really. May Day, and International Workers day, are about seizing the hope and renewal of the season and trying to make change in our society, and the way we are treated. This year in particular it's important to stand in solidarity with our immigrant brothers and sisters who have faced so much hate in the national arena.

So yep, solidarity! And if I dare say it in the middle of this depressing week, Yes we can.

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