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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quick Link: Women in Oscar Wao

A really detailed and interesting post from Latoya Peterson at Racialicious on gender, race and the female characters, particularly Lola, in Junot Diaz's Pultizer-winning The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.

In all the reviews I have read about the novel since I finished the final page, the character of Lola is generally a footnote. Described as a beautiful girl, or a troubled girl, or Oscar’s sister, the strength of her narrative and her story seem overshadowed by the book’s focus - obviously, Oscar - or by the story of her mother, Belicia, the beautiful prieta who seemed forged partially from the steel intended to break her into submission. And yet, to me, Lola’s story was the most compelling, reflecting back in stark focus so many emotions, trials and ideas that were intimately familiar to me and the other girls I knew growing up.

Some seem confused at why Lola’s story was included or why things were so hypersexualized, but to me, it was so painfully true to life that I had to catch my breath after reading.
Latoya's post is great... and there's more to come! If you, like me, crave some thoughtful discussion and reflection after reading this complex book, then I definitely recommend this post and the rapidly-expanding comment thread that follows.

1 comment:

  1. I started clicking, then decided not to read Latoya's post, because I haven't read The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao yet - but I do want to thank you for the link to Racialicious and to PostBourgie. They're both taking up residence on my bloglist.
