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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What authors are you thankful for?


Happy Turkey day, readers. If you drop by over the long weekend, let us know which authors or characters you're thankful for having in your life.

Right now I'm thankful (in a purely secular, literature-is-my-religion kinda way, o' courrse) for Mrs. Gaskell, Charlaine Harris, and L.M Mongtomery's existence, and for all the Y.A. heroines like Anne, Emily, Jo and Meg Murray with whom I grew up.


Your turn.


  1. L.M Montgomery, Frances Hodgson Burnett (really love her novels for adults), Elizabeth Taylor (the author), Dorothy Whipple and Virginia Woolf and of course, the three Bronte sisters (sorry Branwell).

    Wow. After writing that list out, I feel all sparkly and happy. Kudos, Sarah, for a great exercise!

  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Very thankful for Sarah Waters and Barbara Hamby, my favorite discoveries of 2009. And for longtime favorites Mark Z. Danielewski, Walt Whitman, Rachel Zucker, and Mary Oliver.

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Very thankful for Alan Paton who opened my eyes the third world; for LM Montgomery, (just like you); for Jane Austen who makes my whole family happy; for Cormac McCarthy who shares my darkest apocalyptic vision; for Dickens when I am feeling strong; for Trollope and PD James for different kinds of good reads; and for writers of future great books to look forward to reading some day.

  4. A little late to the party, however I'd like to extend my gratitude to the following: Cormac McCarthy, BBC 2009 Adaptation of Little Dorrit, Comics, John Green and John Hodgeman. Also am thankful to be away from book retail this christmas season for the first time in 10 years. Yay. Thankful for future hours I will get to spend escaping into other people's lives.
