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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gaskell-Mania redux

Elizabeth Gaskell remains all the rage. Charleybrown at Enchanted Serenity is celebrating the 5th year anniversary of the period drama adaptation that blew our collective socks off: North and South. And over a their place they've also got all the updates on the new Cranford, which will be hitting our screens right as 2010 starts. Can I get a hell-yeah for adorable spinsters and widows?

In honor of the Gaskelly season, I've just started making my slow way through Wives and Daughters. Loving it so far. Can't wait to watch the mini-series with my grandma when I'm done.

You can crush my strike any time, Mr. Thornton!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Wives and Daughters too. The fact that it was left unfinished was agonizing! I mean, yes, we kind of know how it ended, but I would have loved to have it in her words. Still have to see the miniseries, though. I should add it to my library list.
