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Thursday, May 14, 2009

In Santa Croce, With No Baedeker

My parents are on a trip to Florence and went into Santa Croce today to pay homage to Machiavelli, Michelangelo, and Galileo among others... anyway I can't even think about it without dwelling on one of the best-named chapters ever, "In Santa Croce With No Baedeker" from Forster's A Room with a View. The brilliant Santa Croce scene begins about 4:30 in the below clip, but if you fast-forward you'll miss Beebe telling Lucy what might happen if she lives as she plays Beethoven, the Emersons strewing cornflowers throughout the Miss Alans' rooms, a bit of Dench and Smith interplay, and a few lovely shots of "the view" of the Arno. Heaven.

I've realized that breaking this movie into ten-minute chunks all but guarantees you multiple perfect little youtube clips filled with iconic moments :)


  1. I haven't seen A Room with a View in years. I must rent it, even though it makes me crave a trip to Italy. Someday, maybe.

  2. I adore this movie. Just watched the Andrew Davies version... disappointed... but then it's hard to improve upon perfection!
