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Friday, June 01, 2007

THANK YOU, Dana Stevens

For finally talking about some of the more disturbing/irritating elements of Judd Apatow's Knocked Up, which is basically getting showered with unadulterated adoration from critics who (ha, ha) should know better.

As for the alarming tendency of movies to completely gloss over abortion as a feasible option, as evidenced by movies like this, Waitress, and Saved!, all of which are totally critical of our sexual mores and parenthood obsession and otherwise kind of edgy, it's frustrating. I don't think a movie can keep its edge by pretending that something multitudes of women go through in the US alone is nonexistent, or unmentionable. As Stevens says,
This omission [of the a-word] smells of the focus group, and it's a disappointment in a movie that otherwise prides itself on its unsentimental honesty about the realities of unplanned parenthood. It's just not believable that, in Alison and Ben's upper-middle-class, secular L.A. milieu, abortion would not be matter-of-factly discussed as a possibility in the case of a pregnancy this accidental. If she doesn't want one, great—obviously, there'd be no movie if she did—but let's hear about why not. Otherwise, her character becomes a cipher, a foil for Ben's epiphanies about growing up, without being allowed any epiphanies of her own.


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    word. fuck anyone who likes any of those movies.


  2. Anonymous3:54 AM

    the movie's worse. the guy who wrote this one is all about putting uppity women in their place. first of all, the woman gives up her hope of love and compatibility. face it, it's a trade up for him, a trade down for her. second of all, when the woman's mother suggests she get an abortion, the woman digs her heels in for daughter rebellion. the guy writer obviously can't have a powerful older woman giving the gal advice. third, the woman has no women friends except bitches. Another guy fantasy. And the woman rejects her friends in favor of the guy. Another guy fantasy. Lastly, the guy gets to command the woman's sister to leave the birthing room because she doesn't belong there. Another guy fantasy - telling off the sister. There are no positive role models here for young women. The message is - abandon all your friends and sisters and your mother for the chubby guy. Of course, he gets to keep his friends. Does anyone see how hateful that is?
