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Friday, March 09, 2007

Dreamy from My Father

I heart this man, the author of my current reading project.

A thoughtful president is hard to imagine... but a downright introspective one? Wouldn't that be amazing?

Sure, the book is a little heavy on unnecessary analysis of certain moments, and the authors's personality remains a bit oblique and guarded, but the issues that I've thought about while reading this book--from the struggles of poor communities to parallels between cultures that span continents and simple questions of family dynamic--are mind-bogglingly complex and fascinating.

I want a president who understands the class and race crisis in our country better than I do, and I want a president who undestands the international world more than I do, and I want a president who is probing and intellectual but also fiesty.

Edwards/Obama or Obama/Edwards '08 would be the most revolutionary thing that ever happened to this country. Is it possible?

I'd like to think I have the audacity of hope ;)
Go Barack Go!

It's also quite well-written, incidentally. And gripping. So there, FOX news!


  1. A ticket with Obama on it is a losing ticket -- 1984 all over again.

    There is absolutely nothing about this man that marks him as presidential timber.

    Moreover, he stands for nothing. His world view boils down to seeing all problems as an extension of problems that exist on the south-side of Chicago.

    I'm sure he hasn't got the barest hope of receiving the Democratic nomination, but if he were included on the ticket as the nominee's running mate, his presence would guarantee a Democratic loss in 2008.

    You can be sure that someone with a muslim background and the middle name of Hussein hasn't got a chance in a presidential election.

    Worse, from your perspective, is Edwards, whose avarice is so excessive it's painful to witness. You won't find his kids in public school because he wouldn't allow them to rub shoulders with kids who would impart formative experiences too disturbing to his sensibilities. Of course, Chuck Schumer is also in that category.

    Meanwhile, poor communities, like those Obama might know, often display some rather foolish economic thinking. One Chicago neighborhood -- largely black -- legislated against the arrival of Wal-Mart. Mayor Daley stepped in to repair the damage. But it was too late.

    It happens that Obama is an anti-Wal-Mart nut. That alone sums up his knowledge of economics and assures all voters he'll support every protectionist scheme put before him. Voters will not elect a president or VP who aims to raise prices of ALL goods and services available in this country. Moreover, his unfortunate grasp of economics would also lead to fewer choices among all goods and services.

    Worse still is the likelihood he harbors more sympathy for muslims than any other American politician. Would he appease muslim theocrats in the middle east? Definitely.

    He hasn't got a chance and we're all better off because of it.

  2. Obama, the First Palestinian President of the US.

    He's already advocating aid for a terrorist government that enjoys the distinct advantage of receiving the full approval of a majority of palestinian voters. Hence, he supports people who support the destruction of Israel and the deaths of all Jews.

    You can't seriously support this clown?

    Up-close Obama urges compassion in Mideast
    He backs loosening restrictions on Palestinian aid


    March 12, 2007

    Muscatine, Ia. - Illinois Sen. Barack Obama on Sunday told a small group of Iowa Democrats that U.S. policy in the Middle East can be compassionate as well as tough - while he also provided these influential voices in the leadoff caucus state with an up-close view of him as a presidential candidate.

    Obama told the Muscatine-area party activists that he supports relaxing restrictions on aid to the Palestinian people. He said they have suffered the most as a result of stalled peace efforts with Israel.

    "Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people," Obama said while on the final leg of his weekend trip to eastern Iowa.

    "If we could get some movement among Palestinian leadership, what I'd like to see is a loosening up of some of the restrictions on providing aid directly to the Palestinian people," he added.

    Obama was responding to a question by Sue Dravis, one of about 40 party leaders who met with him privately before a forum at West Middle School.

    Obama's short round of questions with the group touched on health care, immigration and Dravis' question on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Dravis, a member of the Muscatine County Democratic Central Committee, said that Obama "did a very nice job" answering her question, and that his position represents "a good first step" in solving the complex problems in the Middle East.

    Israel's survival as a powerful democratic ally in the Middle East must remain a top priority, Obama said.

    "There is also no doubt that we have a huge strategic stake in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the conflict," he said. But the United States cannot broker that resolution until the Palestinian government recognizes the nation of Israel.

    The Palestinian Authority is controlled by Hamas, a political party that does not recognize Israel's sovereignty and is listed by several countries - including the United States - as a terrorist organization. The United States and other nations imposed restrictions on aid when Hamas gained power last year.

    In the meantime, the suffering of the Palestinians could be eased if their government renounces terrorism, Obama said. "I think you can get a sympathetic perspective" from the United States and its allies.
