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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are anti-prizes as subjective as prizes?

The Guardian announces the 'Not the Booker' Prize. The winner will receive a mug, but the real purpose of the contest--entrants and winners culled from the internet masses--will be to evaluate the merit of prestigious awards. Writes

So the question that arises now, is – can we do any better? Does the blogging crowd have more wisdom than the panel? Can we come up with a more interesting shortlist than the judges? Can we pick a better winner? Or will we, indeed, choose the same one? Let's find out.
This will be interesting to follow in the next few weeks. The Booker is, IMHO, a particularly deadly bore as book prizes go, although it does go to women a fair amount. Here is this years longlist--although it has some "heavyweights" on it it just makes me want to snooze, for some reason ;)

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