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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who are your favorite literary bad boys and girls?

The guardian lists ten anti-heroes, but I think on the whole it's a rather eh and icon-free list. Of course it has Scarlett O'Hara, Mr. Ripley, and Satan from Paradise Lost, but no Heathcliff? No Humbert Humbert? Hmm. No Eric Northmann (note to self: must excise Sookie Stackhouse from brain!)?

What about Lady Catherine, or Macbeth, or Gollum?

I'd like to know, dear readers, who are your most loveable literary villains, villainesses, or anti-heroes?


  1. I love Viscount de Valmont and Henry Crawford!

  2. Oh, the girls: Becky Sharp and Mary Crawford.

  3. Willoughby, the cad!

  4. Dag from "Generation X" by Douglas Coupland. I developed a crush on him in my early twenties and I've still got it.
    And also Jack from "Gilead" and "Home" by Marilynne Robinson but I think everyone feels that way who reads about him.

    As for the ladies...I'm not sure if Rebecca of Daphne DuMaurier's creation would count as an anti-hero but I like knowing that she led someone with a stiff lip like Max De Winter through a merry dance.

    And Emma, of course.

  5. Emma, Willoughby and the Crawfords, how could I have forgotten those wondrous creations? And all the YA tomboys--Laura, Anne, Caddie Woodlawn.

  6. Well I think that Guardian list is pretty laughable. But Moving on...

    I'd definitely include Willoughby & Wickham. Villian-wise I love Blue Duck (Lonesome Dove), Big Brother, and Moriarty. Dean Moriarty is maddeningly wonderful.

    Ladies-wise: Emma Woodhouse, Mrs. Havisham, and Carrie's mom from Stephen King's Carrie.
