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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Link-O-Rama: Katha Politt Says Poetry's Not Dead!

Here is Katha Politt, better known for her liberal-feminist rabble-rousing at The Naiton than for her award-winning poetry, on how we can support the neglected but vital art form'.

Anna breaks it down here.

I'm going to start printing a poem a week again. If you (my readers) have poems to recommend for this feature, let me know by sending me a line or dropping a comment. Which poets, eras, or genres have I neglected thus far?

Yours in verse,


1 comment:

  1. Awesome I've missed your poem a week posts. I'd love to see some 20th century poetry here if possible.
    Earlier this year I wrote a rant-y post about the fact that modern poetry is worth reading. I'm a big fan of modern poetry such as Elizabeth Alexander, Seamus Heaney, and others. Whilst I do agree that poetry is a challenge, I think it's worthwhile. Poetry requires your time and close study. It can be hard to do that in our fast-paced "now" world. Poetry is not dead, dying or dormant.
