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Thursday, September 24, 2009

George W Bush did not heart Harry Potter

Check this out, via my google reader:

Think Progress » Bush Officials Objected To Awarding Medal To J.K. Rowling Because Harry Potter Books Promote Witchcraft: "

In his new book, Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor, former Bush speechwriter Matt Latimer reveals how politicized the revered Presidential Medal of Freedom became during the Bush administration.

Latimer writes that administration officials objected to giving author J.K. Rowling the Presidential Medal of Freedom because her writing “encouraged witchcraft” (p. 201):

This was the same sort of narrow thinking that led people in the White House to actually object to giving the author J.K. Rowling a presidential medal because the Harry Potter books encouraged witchcraft.

Not exactly shocking, but appalling nonetheless, no?


  1. Why am I not surprised?

  2. Sadie9:37 PM

    Bush=Voldemort at least in terms of degree of evilness (obviously not intelligence).
