Dear Readers,

I now consider this blog to be my Juvenelia. Have fun perusing the archives, and find me at my new haunt, here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Saying A Fond Farewell

I've decided to put this blog on semipermanent hiatus. With a regular political blogging job and another gig blogging for VCFA about to commence, I just don't have the energy to maintain something like this project.

So the time has come to say my adieux for the time being. It's been well over four years, and they've been wonderful years. But all of our favorite novels have to end sometime, hopefully with a tasty marriage banquet (mine did!) and in a feminist world, with the heroine going back to school and landing new work. I love happy endings!

The nice thing about this chapter closing is that thanks to social media, I am now acquainted with most of my RSS subscribers and followers and regular commenters (there have been a whole lot of you at various points, thanks to Un-Becoming Jane and various liveblogs of Masterpiece Classic) on twitter, facebook and the like, so we will see each other with great frequency.

And a lot of you have started your own blogs--looking at you, most accomplished young lady. So I'll visit you there, and leave my calling card. When the time comes to let you know where my thoughts on reading and writing will next be seen, I'll do so either here or on twitter...Well, actually, I'll tell you now. It will be a blog attached to my website.

Lastly, here's a quick plug for my regular writing career: For an RSS feed of my bylines (approx 3-4 per week) click here. For a newsletter with highlights, (approx 2-3 times a year) click here.

Thanks for reading. It's been so much more than esteem and admiration on my end, readers. As EBC patron saint Andrew Davies once put in the immortal Wickham's bombastic mouth: "Let us not say goodbye - but as the French have it - Au Revior!!""

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Downton Abbey: What Did You Think of Episode 1?

Readers, I loved it. An occasionally pat line of dialogue aside, I thought it was a splendid first episode and definitely made me eager for next Sunday night. I don't understand all this talk of "jobs" and "week-ends" however.

Leave your thoughts in the comments. They will not be entailed away to the nearest male heir, I assure you.

Here are some roundups from around the web.

Downton Abbey: My Top 5 Favorite Characters from Episode 1: "Masterpiece fans are hailing Downton Abbey as the greatest thing since Bleak House (high praise, indeed!) and Amy and I are in complete agreement so far. "--from Kim at Romancing the Tome.

Oh, and be sure to check out The Daily Beast's roundup of the best Masterpiece shows, in honor of the venerable series' 40th anniversary.

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Jane Around the Web...

Was Jane Austen Edited? Does It Matter? : NPR via Numero Cinq

Iconography: Jane Austen, a Contemporary Kind of Lady: Bitch Magazine blogs (feminist consideration of Jane FTW).

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